
WCFW Review - DAY 1

I was extremely lucky to attend two fashion shows during Western Canada Fashion Week. The first one showcased fantasy hair and makeup while the second one was strictly fashion. Here are the highlights of Day 1.

March 25, 2013

The show started off with a fantasy hair and makeup competition. The hair ranged from a messy Helena Bonham Carter do', to one that resembled the likes of Lady Gaga.
1st place winner of the hair category.

1st place winner of the makeup category.

Next up was the Cosmopolitan Makeup Artistry College with an impressive showcase of face and body makeup.

Followed by an always impressive musical interlude by Cellotor.

Last year's fantasy hair winner Malorie Shmyr came back with a full runway show featuring a modern twist on the Bride of Frankenstein hair.

The show ended with an incredible showcase by Trinity makeup. I can definitely appreciate the amount of time and effort that went into preparing these models for the show!

And before I knew it, it was all over! What a great show to watch. It was colourful and mystical and a nice change from the typical clothing fashion show. Check back later this week for a review of Day 2!

(All photo's by yours truly)

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